Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young 「Deja Vu (2021 Remaster)」 LP

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【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社

発売日:2023年01月27日 / ジャンル:ROCK/POP / フォーマット:LP / 構成数:1 / 製造国:ヨーロッパ盤 / レーベル:Rhino / SKU:603497842025 / 規格品番:0349784202


クロスビー・スティルス・ナッシュ&ヤングが1970年に発売したロックの金字塔/歴史的名盤『DEJA VU』。
この名盤中の名盤の発売50周年を記念して2021年に発売された豪華デラックス・エディション『DEJA VU (50TH ANNIVERSARY DELUXE EDITION)』に同梱されていた、オリジナル・アルバムの2021年リマスター音源を収録した180グラム重量盤アナログが、単体作品となってここに登場!

1970年、アメリカで最も待ち望まれていたアルバムがリリースされた。それが、デヴィッド・クロスビー、スティーヴン・スティルス、グレアム・ナッシュ、そしてニール・ヤングという個性が集結したアルバム、『DEJA VU』だ。69年8月に開催された歴史的音楽イベント、ウッドストックに出演したのち、1970年3月にクロスビー・スティルス・ナッシュ&ヤング名義でリリースされたこのアルバムは、全米チャート1位を獲得、その後88週にわたってチャート・インし続け、発売から50年を経た現在でも、当時の思想や文化をサウンドに封じ込めた歴史的名盤として変わらぬ輝きを持ち続けている。「Carry On」や「Teach Your Children」といった楽曲は、現代にも共鳴するほどタイムレスな魅力を放っているのだ。

2021年6月、このロックの金字塔にして歴史的名盤『DEJA VU』の発売50周年を記念して、この歴史的作品へと続く情熱に満ちたクリエイティヴな道のりを明らかにする4CD+1LP仕様の50周年記念デラックス・エディションが発売された。オリジナル・アルバム収録曲に最新リマスターを施した音源に加え、アルバム制作の過程を垣間見せてくれる数時間に及ぶレア・トラックや未発表スタジオ音源などを収録したこのデラックス・エディションは、まさに歴史的名盤が生まれるその瞬間に立ち会っているかのような素晴らしい時間を与えてくれる、決定版だと言えるだろう。


「アルバム『DEJA VU』は、その時代精神を完璧な形で捉えた作品だ。伝説的なバンドの、その強烈な個性の集合体としてのポートレイトを正確に捉えた作品だともいえる」
発売・販売元 提供資料(2022/12/16)
One of the most hotly awaited second albums in history -- right up there with those by the Beatles and the Band -- Deja Vu lived up to its expectations and rose to number one on the charts. Those achievements are all the more astonishing given the fact that the group barely held together through the estimated 800 hours it took to record Deja Vu and scarcely functioned as a group for most of that time. Deja Vu worked as an album, a product of four potent musical talents who were all ascending to the top of their game coupled with some very skilled production, engineering, and editing. There were also some obvious virtues in evidence -- the addition of Neil Young to the Crosby, Stills & Nash lineup added to the level of virtuosity, with Young and Stephen Stills rising to new levels of complexity and volume on their guitars. Young's presence also ratcheted up the range of available voices one notch and added a uniquely idiosyncratic songwriter to the fold, though most of Young's contributions in this area were confined to the second side of the LP. Most of the music, apart from the quartet's version of Joni Mitchell's "Woodstock," was done as individual sessions by each of the members when they turned up (which was seldom together), contributing whatever was needed that could be agreed upon. "Carry On" worked as the album's opener when Stills "sacrificed" another copyright, "Questions," which comprised the second half of the track and made it more substantial. "Woodstock" and "Carry On" represented the group as a whole, while the rest of the record was a showcase for the individual members. David Crosby's "Almost Cut My Hair" was a piece of high-energy hippie-era paranoia not too far removed in subject from the Byrds' "Drug Store Truck Drivin' Man," only angrier in mood and texture (especially amid the pumping organ and slashing guitars); the title track, also by Crosby, took 100 hours to work out and was a better-received successor to such experimental works as "Mind Gardens," out of his earlier career with the Byrds, showing his occasional abandonment of a rock beat, or any fixed rhythm at all, in favor of washing over the listener with tones and moods. "Teach Your Children," the major hit off the album, was a reflection of the hippie-era idealism that still filled Graham Nash's life, while "Our House" was his stylistic paean to the late-era Beatles and "4+20" was a gorgeous Stephen Stills blues excursion that was a precursor to the material he would explore on the solo album that followed. And then there were Neil Young's pieces, the exquisitely harmonized "Helpless" (which took many hours to get to the slow version finally used) and the roaring country-ish rockers that ended side two, which underwent a lot of tinkering by Young -- even his seeming throwaway finale, "Everybody I Love You," was a bone thrown to longtime fans as perhaps the greatest Buffalo Springfield song that they didn't record. All of this variety made Deja Vu a rich musical banquet for the most serious and personal listeners, while mass audiences reveled in the glorious harmonies and the thundering electric guitars, which were presented in even more dramatic and expansive fashion on the tour that followed. ~ Bruce Eder
・構成数 | 1



Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young 「Deja Vu (2021 Remaster)」 LPのレビュー



