Terje Rypdal

Conspiracy CD

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【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社

発売日:2020年09月15日 / ジャンル:JAZZ / フォーマット:CD / 構成数:1 / 製造国:International Version / レーベル:ECM / SKU:602508959110 / 規格品番:0895911

ノルウェーのベテラン・ギタリスト、Terje Rypdalの約20年ぶりのスタジオ録音作品。

アルバム・タイトルの"Conspiracy"は本作に収録された曲のタイトルでもあり、本作に参加したアンサンブル名でもある。本作ではリプダルの初期の名曲「Whenever I Seem To Be Far Away」、「Odyssey」、「Waves」などを生み出した野生的なインスピレーションに再プラグインし、ロック即興演奏家としての生のエネルギーへの愛と作曲家としての空間とテクスチャーへの感覚の両方を兼ね備えエレキギターの音の可能性を探求。

キーボードのStale Storlokkenは、リプダルのアルバム『Vossabrygg』や『Crime Scene』にも参加しており、Skywardsのメンバーでもあったが、彼自身の直感的な感覚で音に厚みを加え、ハモンドオルガンの音がTerjeのフェンダー・スタットキャスターに溶け込み、それを取り巻く音は、ノスタルジックでありながら未来的でもある。さらに1970年代のArild AndersenのグループでECMで聴かれたのが最後だったドラマーPal Thowsenが復帰、彼の繊細で緻密なドラミングが健在。Rypdalのバンドは、才能ある若いベーシスト、Endre Hareide Hallreによって、ここ数年で最高のバンドに仕上がっている。『Conspiracy』はオスロのレインボー・スタジオで録音され、Manfred EicherとTerje Rypdalのプロデュースで制作された。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2020/08/18)
1996s Skywards marked the last time Norwegian electric guitarist Terje Rypdal cut a studio album for ECM. Since then, hes issued recordings that range from classically focused works (Lux Aeterna, Double Concerto: 5th Symphony) and a cinematic concept offering (Crime Scene) to jazz rock (Vossabrygg) and integrations of them all (Melodic Warrior), exclusively in live settings. His accompanists on this date include old friends Stale Storlokken on keyboards, Pal Thowsen on drums, and young electric bassist Endre Hareide Hallre. Conspiracy is a striking portrait of Rypdals three musical personas: guitarist, composer, and improviser. His trademark Stratocaster and its skyward reach are everywhere amid his love of dynamically controlled environments. Unlike his more rock-oriented outings, Rypdal continues to employ the electric guitar as lead instrument in exploratory compositions that rely heavily on sonic resonance and architecture. He defies listeners to find the seam between composition and improvisation. Opener As If the Ghost … Was Me? commences with ticking ride cymbals, muted, wafting keys, tympani, and Rypdals rounded tones in a melodic frame. After Hallres nebulous entry crisscrossing the fretless influences of Jaco Pastorius and Mark Egan, Storlokkens organ paints the backdrop as Thowsen picks up the tempo and intensity. Rypdals sharp, edgy, yet warm tone bleeds across them all with a few notes and sustained tones. What Was I Thinking is an abstract rubato ballad. Rypdal examines the outer reaches of its melody in economic terms while still playing with a simmering passion as the ensemble traces sound itself around him, framing his lyricism in warmth and poignancy. The title track commences as a slow, processional rocker with middle-register harmonic lines played on guitar in a repetitive pattern. A syncopated snare and a floor tom un-fetter Rypdals tone amid throbbing bass and squalling organ. The band gets mean, traversing a path that bridges Miles Davis Tribute to Jack Johnson and Emergency by Tony Williams Lifetime with Larry Young. Rypdal guides it with a razored tone, distorted vamps, and elegant lyricism. By His Lonesome is an intriguing ballad with Hallre as principal soloist with gorgeous impressionistic drumming. Most of the eight-minute Baby Beautiful is delivered in gloriously abstract ambience with silvery guitar, tinkling bells, hovering keys, and restrained bass before erupting volcanically behind Thowsens freewheeling drums while Rypdal asserts a tender, aggressive, blues-drenched melody. Storlokkens sensitive organ offers a knotty, percussive, solo amid driving, syncopated drums and a humming bassline. It is among the sets most satisfying selections. The two-minute closer Dawn is a coda offered by Storlokkens low, moaning pipe organ that sounds like a lonely foghorn in a midnight sea, adorned only by occasional cymbal washes. As a whole, Conspiracy is a compelling set of musical environments brought forth by Rypdals gifts for lyricism and improvisation as his band reflect textural imagination and consummate musicality. ~ Thom Jurek
・構成数 | 1

・合計収録時間 | 00:34:59


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