Richard Dawson

Richard Dawson 「2020」 CD

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【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社

発売日:2019年10月11日 / ジャンル:ROCK/POP / フォーマット:CD / 構成数:1 / 製造国:輸入 / レーベル:Domino/Weird World / SKU:887833012024 / 規格品番:WEIRD120CD

ニューカッスルのニヒルな吟遊詩人 Richard Dawson最新アルバム発売!

Hen Ogleddのメンバーでもある英ニューカッスル出身のフォークシンガー、Richard Dawsonが通算6作目となるソロ・アルバム『2020』をリリース!タイトル通り"今"を描いたという本作は、自身のバンドHen Ogleddが2018年にアルバム『Mogic』をリリースした直後に、ニューカッスルのBlank Studioへと移りPigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs PigsPigsのSam Grantの助けとともに全てのレコーディングを自分の手で行った。また歌詞の部分においても前作『Peasent』では、言葉遊びや実験的な試みを取り入れ、詩的な表現が多く見られたのに対し、今作ではよりストレートにそのままの言葉で伝えるということに重きを置いて製作されている。彼のシグネチャー・サウンドである曲中の唐突で意外性のある展開は健在で、険しさと優しさ、あるいは大胆さと繊細さなど相反する二面性を用いて、都市に暮らす様々なキャラクターの日々の妄想を表現した作品となった。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2019/09/02)
Its a hard time to be happy, and Richard Dawson knows it. The British guitarist and songwriter would hardly be the first artist to make music that reflects the chaos and uncertainty of a time when the worlds political outlook has turned ugly and the divide between the haves and have-nots grows wider by the minute. Dawsons 2019 album 2020 is certainly a work of its time, reflecting the social, political, and economic uncertainty that has swept the globe. But rather than dealing in sloganeering or checking off the familiar outrages that are part of our collective existence, Dawson casts his gaze on the daily lives of ordinary people trying to live their lives despite the fractures in the society around them. Whether its the poor slob who has come to despise his job (Civil Servant and Fulfilment Centre), the novice runner whose fears become reality when his Kurdish neighbors are attacked (Jogging), the community reacting in a variety of ways to a flood that has disabled the town (The Queens Head), or an ordinary man confronted with mortality and pain (Dead Dog in an Alleyway), Dawson makes his characters and their anxieties disarmingly real thanks to the relentless details of his lyrics and the flat but eloquent tone of his voice. Even when the stories deal with the personal rather than the political, Dawson makes them part of a larger malaise that brings the pieces together in the service of a greater statement. The tangled sounds of Dawsons guitar, by turns acoustic and quiet, and electric and rich with fuzz -- along with the occasional bursts of electronic noise -- provide an effective backdrop for these songs, and if Dawson hardly sounds like a singer, that works to his favor on this album, matching the modest poignancy of the lyrics. Richard Dawson is an eccentric but clear-eyed observer of the human condition, and just as he brought something fresh to the U.K. folk tradition on 2017s Peasant, 2020 reveals how he sees the details of everyday life in a way that slips past most writers. And if it isnt always fun, the honesty and passion in this music deliver more than enough reward for your time. ~ Mark Deming
・構成数 | 1

・合計収録時間 | 00:57:47


Richard Dawson 「2020」 CDのレビュー



