
The Family CD

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【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社

発売日:2022年11月25日 / ジャンル:SOUL/CLUB/RAP / フォーマット:CD / 構成数:1 / 製造国:ヨーロッパ盤 / レーベル:RCA Records Label / SKU:196587702021 / 規格品番:19658770202

新世代Hip Hopコレクティブ=BROCKHAMPTON(ブロックハンプトン)の通算7作目となる最新アルバム『The Family』

2018年に発表したアルバム『イリデセンス』で全米アルバムチャート1位を獲得、コーチェラ・フェスティバルでの強力なライヴ・パフォーマンスが話題を呼び、2019年にはサマーソニック2019の出演に加え、新木場 STUDIO COASTにて初来日単独公演も成功させた"新世代Hip Hopコレクティブ"=ブロックハンプトン。
2020年にはシングル「SUGAR」が6億回以上のストリーミング再生回数を記録し、アメリカ、オーストラリア、ニュージーランド等でプラチナ認定を受けるなど破竹の勢いを続ける彼らが、2021年発売『Roadrunner: New Light, New Machine』以来、通算7作目となる最新アルバム『The Family』を緊急発売!
発売・販売元 提供資料(2022/11/04)
In the span of just six years, the boundary-pushing hip-hop crew BROCKHAMPTON went from underground mixtape buzz to the top of the U.S. charts. And just as quickly as they appeared, they announced their disbandment, capping a dizzyingly prolific existence with their seventh set, The Family. Purported to be their final album ever, the brisk statement is essentially a blur of snippets that tell the story of the band, like a biopic played out in tape form. Here, the guys sound like theyre just having fun in the studio, flexing their rapping and production skills and reminding fans of the journey. Starting from the early days with the sample-heavy, old-school vibes of "Take It Back" and "RZA" (where they compare themselves to another notable rap "boy band" from Staten Island), they chart the highs and lows of fame and relationships, grappling with interpersonal struggles both within the group and with family, friends, and fans. They take time to show thanks ("37th") and bask in their successes (on the triumphant "Boyband," they declare "We did an album in a weekend!" atop joyful gospel backing). Production -- courtesy of bearface, boylife, and Nick Velez -- is the star on tracks such as the martial "Gold Teeth"; the slapping "Southside" and "Basement," which include wisps of industrial edge; and the introspective ballad "Any Way You Want Me." Meanwhile, Kevin Abstract takes center stage on showcases "Big Pussy" and "The Ending," both packed with dense, brutally honest bars. Closing with the fittingly titled "Brockhampton," shout-outs and mea culpas abound, getting past the drama and focusing on the good times together. In typical BROCKHAMPTON fashion, all the insightful honesty and heartfelt confessions are punctuated with riotous in-studio cries of "Its solo time!" atop infectious laughter. Throughout their ephemeral time on the scene, BROCKHAMPTON have consistently been on an upward trajectory, improving upon each previous effort with the maturity and skill of much more seasoned artists. Ending this part of their story with grace and simplicity, The Family is not only a thank-you letter to fans but also to each other -- a band of brothers who came, conquered, and clocked out while still on top. ~ Neil Z. Yeung
・構成数 | 1

・合計収録時間 | 00:35:17


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